I'd been to South Korea twice. This will be my third visa application. My first visa was issued in Singapore while my second visa was issued here in the Philippines.
During the waiting game, I was hoping that the Embassy will grant me Multiple Entry since I have no plan to travel to South Korea anytime within 3 months.
I lodged my application last February 27, 2015. I claimed my passport after 3 working days, March 4, 2015.
I was blessed that I was given 3 years Multiple Entry visa.

The following are the requirements for Philippine Passport Holders (Employed):
1. Fully accomplished Application Form
2. One (1) Passport size photo
3. Original Passport (6 months valid from intended travel dates)
4. Photocopy of Bio part of your passport
5. Original and Photocopy of Visas and Stamps from OECD Member countries
6. Original COE (Certificate of Employment)
stating: Position, Date Hired, Compensation, Office Address, Landline and E-mail Address
7. Original Bank Certificate
stating: Account Type. Current Balance,Account opening date, and ADB (Ave. Daily Balance)
8. Original and photocopy ITR (Income Tax Return - Form 2316)
Effective March 1, 2015
9. Original or Certified True Copy Bank Statements for the last 3 months.
Embassy Schedule:
Operations: Mondays to Fridays (Except for Philippine and Korea Holidays)
9:00AM - 11:00AM - VISA Applications
2:00AM - 4:00PM - VISA Releasing
Processing Time (Waiting Game) :
Frequent Travelers : 3 working days
* Applicants who had been to OECD Member countries within 5 years
* Applicants who had been to South Korea twice within 2 years.
Non-Frequent Travelers : 5 working days
Note: Visa Processing may extend depending on the consular's judgment.
Upon claiming your passport, that's when will you find out if you are approved or denied.
Visa Fees:
59days (or less) - Free
60 to 90 days - Php 1,800.00
Address: 122 Upper McKinleyRoad, McKinley Town Center, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City
Tel No.: (632) 856-9210 loc 270 - Visa